Sui Tang Ying Xiong Zhuan (2003)

Sui Tang Ying Xiong Zhuan (2003)


After the Later Han, the Vuong family established the Sui dynasty, and the last king was assigned the name of the king, Vuong Quan, who killed his father to usurp the throne. The Sui Dynasty began to suffer because of the debauchery of the Vuong army and the abuse of Vu Van Hoa Egypt's father and son. In the chaotic times, at this time, there were small uprisings everywhere, including the hero group of Ngoa Cuong camp including: Tan Thuc Bao, La Thanh, Don Hung, Trinh Giao Kim, Tu Mo Cong … hero group This re-created the situation in the chaotic period, establishing the Wei Dynasty. Trinh Giao Kim has been enthroned as king for 2 years.- Qin Thuc Bao is considered a high-powered martial artist with "duality" (two trees of vogue). TTB is the son of a pre-dynastic general, this general unfortunately died on the sa…


Status: completed

Released: 2003

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