A Stray Goat
Set in an old village located in the Southern Gyeongsang Province, the southeastern region of Korea, Nunbal tells the story of two small-town middle school students, a boy who transfers to a new school and his classmate, a girl who is bullied. The film will focus on the boy’s relationship with the girl from the same class, and is a heart wrenching story that will tackle the topic of school violence.
Country: Korean
Status: completed
Released: 2017
Genre: Drama, life, melodrama, Romance, School
Cast: Jang Hee Ryeong, Jang Myong Kab, Ji Woo, Jung Na On, Kim Seong Beom, Kim Shi Yeong, Lee Yoon Hee, Oh Man Seok, Park Ga Yeong, Park Jin Yeong, Shin An Jin, Shin Mi Yeong
- Coming Eps
- Ongoing